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China Relaxes 996 Work Culture With Four Day Labor Day

China Relaxes 996 Work Culture with Four-Day Labor Day

Goodbye to "996" for Labor Day

Despite the prevalence of China's demanding "996" work culture, where employees toil from 9am to 9pm six days a week, the government has announced a break with tradition for Labor Day 2019.

Labor Day to Span Four Days

In March 2019, China's State Council announced that Labor Day would extend over four days, marking a significant shift from previous years. Unlike many Chinese holidays based on the lunar calendar, Labor Day follows the Gregorian calendar.

International Workers Day

Also known as International Workers Day and May Day, Labor Day is a public holiday observed in many countries worldwide. It commemorates the struggles and achievements of workers and the labor movement.


While China's "996" work culture remains prevalent in certain sectors, the government's decision to grant workers an extended Labor Day holiday signals a growing awareness of the need for balance between work and personal life. As China's economy continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether this newfound flexibility will extend beyond special occasions.
